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help identifying songs in Cillian Vallely set

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 12:39 pm
by smish

I'm relatively new to the forum and am looking for help identifying the song names (and maybe finding transcriptions, if possible) for the set played here:

The first tune I recognize as "Lark In the Morning" (as the video title suggests), but I'd like to learn the other songs (starting at 3:06 and 4:15 timestamps in the video), which is easier if you know the names.

Does anyone recognize the other songs?

Thank you

Re: help identifying songs in Ciliian Vallely set

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 12:50 pm
by Mr.Gumby
I only zapped through the video in a few jumps but I heard the lark in the morning, Gorman's and Kiss the maid behind the barrel.