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Manchester piping day

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:04 pm
by ambaiste
Had a great day at the Manchester piping day on Saturday.
Sean Jones’ pyrotechnics, tube with holes in, gas fed in at one end, speaker at the other end,
Light the gas, tune the speaker and see standing waves. Didn’t set fire to the place.
Following this a good discussion about acoustics.
Lessons went well. The best piping was the icing on the birthday cake that Jayne presented me with in the middle of proceedings (a birthday with a big 0 at the end) The piping of the reeds was excellent.
Great concert afterwards which seemed to involve quite a large number of the Irish community in Manchester.
A brilliantly organised day and evening.
Well done

Re: Manchester piping day

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:39 am
by james horan
Yes Brian and thanks for your contributions to making it a great day. The reed you made for me on the day is a good one so thanks for that too.
Hope that you can post a picture of that cake, unless you've already eaten it.

See you at the next meeting.

Re: Manchester piping day

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:45 am
by buskerSean
Sounds like a great do as always. I must make one of these at some point. Hope you can make it down to our London pipers night in Jan, Brian.

Re: Manchester piping day

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:28 am
by Sam L
A big thanks to all involved in organising a really good day. Nice to meet you Brian.
