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2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 3:36 pm
by ImNotIrish
here's a short clip of my playing at 2.5 years. just curious what is working, and what is not? Any help would be appreciated.

Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 3:48 pm
by rorybbellows
All things considered I think you're doing great, but what really interests me is, how do you get your hair like that ?


Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 3:59 pm
by ImNotIrish
rorybbellows wrote:All things considered I think you're doing great, but what really interests me is, how do you get your hair like that ?

By playing pipes, of course! :)

Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:33 pm
by rorybbellows
ImNotIrish wrote:By playing pipes, of course! :)
Well I must be doing something wrong because all its done for my hair is to make it fall out.
On the subject of your hair most people think that dreadlocks were started by rastafarians ,but Irishmen were wearing dreads back in the 13th century . So maybe ImnotIrish is more Irish than he thinks.

A few words about the song the Coolin
"Flood (1906) states it is probable the air dates from the year 1296 or 1297, believing it must have been composed not long after the Statute, 24th of Edward I, in 1295, which forbade those English in Ireland (who were becoming assimilated into the majority Gaelic culture) to affect the Irish hair style by allowing their locks to grow in 'coolins.' The original song, told from a young maiden's point of view, berates those Anglo-Irish who conformed to the edit by cutting their hair, and praises the proud Irishman who remained true to ancestral custom (the Gaelic title "An Chuilfhionn," means 'the fair-haired one'). The Irish Parliament passed another law in 1539 forbidding any male, Irish or Anglo-Irish, from wearing long or flowing locks of hair--this enactment, relates Flood, is the supposed impetus for the claim that Thomas Moore wrote the song and tune of "The Coolin," which was printed by Walker in 1786. "


Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:02 pm
by RLines
Nicely played. Well done.


Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:08 am
by benhall.1
rorybbellows wrote:A few words about the song the Coolin
"Flood (1906) states it is probable the air dates from the year 1296 or 1297, believing it must have been composed not long after the Statute, 24th of Edward I, in 1295, which forbade those English in Ireland (who were becoming assimilated into the majority Gaelic culture) to affect the Irish hair style by allowing their locks to grow in 'coolins.' The original song, told from a young maiden's point of view, berates those Anglo-Irish who conformed to the edit by cutting their hair, and praises the proud Irishman who remained true to ancestral custom (the Gaelic title "An Chuilfhionn," means 'the fair-haired one'). The Irish Parliament passed another law in 1539 forbidding any male, Irish or Anglo-Irish, from wearing long or flowing locks of hair--this enactment, relates Flood, is the supposed impetus for the claim that Thomas Moore wrote the song and tune of "The Coolin," which was printed by Walker in 1786. "

Imaginative wishful thinking from Gratton Flood again, I should think. He doesn't seem to have any evidence for his belief. Still, that never used to stop him, did it?

I love this tune. I'd love to know where it did come from, but I'm not having much luck on the net. I can't even find anywhere claiming to have the "original" words, though this claims to have later ones. - HEALTH WARNING: TURN SOUND OFF BEFORE CLICKING. AWFUL MIDI.

Er ... and sorry for side-tracking, Arbo. :oops:

Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:41 am
by an seanduine
Sounding good Arbo. I've heard a slightly different setting and have tried to match it up to 'Good Morning to Your Nightcap'. (Also known as 'The Drunken Police Car')

OT: BenHall, I clicked your link and it has the most gawdawful midi version of that lovely air. . . . :boggle:


Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:44 am
by benhall.1
an seanduine wrote:Sounding good Arbo. I've heard a slightly different setting and have tried to match it up to 'Good Morning to Your Nightcap'. (Also known as 'The Drunken Police Car')

OT: BenHall, I clicked your link and it has the most gawdawful midi version of that lovely air. . . . :boggle:

I know it does - dreadful, isn't it? Sorry about that, I should have put a health warning up ...

Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:07 am
by rorybbellows
Long time ago now, I was in the audience at a Liam O’Flynn master class given in the London pipers club. It was mostly the teachers taking the class. Liam would get each piper to play a tune and when finished asked would ask them what they thought was wrong with it. Most of the pipers said they didn’t think anything was wrong with their playing and Liam moved onto the next piper. At the end I think most in attendance were a bit underwhelmed with the class ,expecting some great insight and expert tips about piping from the master. As said somewhere there is no great secret but the point I got from Liam master class was that as long as there is no major flaws in your playing it is your opinion about your playing that is the important one, after all nobody has to listen to your playing more than yourself.
So Arbo is there anything with your playing that you're not happy with?


Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:05 am
by ImNotIrish
rorybbellows wrote:Long time ago now, I was in the audience at a Liam O’Flynn master class given in the London pipers club. It was mostly the teachers taking the class. Liam would get each piper to play a tune and when finished asked would ask them what they thought was wrong with it. Most of the pipers said they didn’t think anything was wrong with their playing and Liam moved onto the next piper. At the end I think most in attendance were a bit underwhelmed with the class ,expecting some great insight and expert tips about piping from the master. As said somewhere there is no great secret but the point I got from Liam master class was that as long as there is no major flaws in your playing it is your opinion about your playing that is the important one, after all nobody has to listen to your playing more than yourself.
So Arbo is there anything with your playing that you're not happy with?

Fair enough. Yes, too fast on this clip. The E crans could be cleaner, as could the rolls in the B part. It wold also be nice to substitute tight triplets for the rolls in the B part. Steadier rhythm throughout.... I suppose, one of the unstated things about piping is that as you progress you learn better how to evaluate your own playing. Two and a half years isn't very long to be at it, and I am particularly delighted that I can make it through a tune, put in a couple of variations, and basically have it sound somewhat musical. Thank you for the insight!

Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:04 am
by tommykleen
A personal thing: I would like to see more nickety-tickety bits. And closure between the notes and phrases. That would make it feel more pipey. Very legato playing on the chanter, to my ear, just comes off as whistle playing...on a chanter.

Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:08 pm
by oliver
That's good. IMHO, rhythm is the thing you should focus on most of all. It's the backbone of the music. But once again that's good.

Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 4:17 pm
by ImNotIrish
tommykleen wrote:A personal thing: I would like to see more nickety-tickety bits. And closure between the notes and phrases. That would make it feel more pipey. Very legato playing on the chanter, to my ear, just comes off as whistle playing...on a chanter.
Yes, I would also like to see that. In time, Tommy. Thanks for the reminder though!

Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:38 am
by tommykleen
In truth, you are much farther along than I was for a similar amount of time playing!

Hope to see you again at the NE tionol, Arbo. :party: :party: :party:

Re: 2.5 years in, and just wondering; am I on the right track?

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:09 am
by PJ
Give those regulators an occasional whack!! They're begging for it.