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FT: Too many flutes/whistles WITHDRAWN

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:29 pm
by sbfluter
I have too many flutes that I never play. I am happy to trade one or more of these for something. It does not have to be a wind instrument because as you can see, I have just too many flutes.


Bottom to top:
1. Casey Burns small-handed folk flute, mopani. Has a big crack in the head joint. Maybe he would make a new head joint for you? I am afraid to ask him. - Taken
2. Tony Dixon Low D whistle. It is tunable by moving the fipple. Has a scratch.
3. Cane whistle in G.
4. Sweetheart Cloos fife, Bb.
5. Generation Bb whistle.
6. Generation C whistle.
7. Sweetone D whistle. Has an ink stain from an exploded pen.

A link to a full album with some additional information:

This doesn't have to be a 1:1 trade. Things I'm interested in include a very lightweight small folding camp stool, maybe a harmonica, folk instrument with strings that is odd (i.e. not a guitar, but perhaps a stick dulcimer or something made from a cigar box), physical metronome (not a computer app).

Re: FT: Too many flutes/whistles

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:37 am
by sbfluter
There seems to be no interest. I retract my offer at this time. Please move to the sold or old forum. Thank you.