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I'm ready to place an order

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:09 pm
by Kirk B
for a bottle of whatever this guy is on.


Re: I'm ready to place an order

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:24 pm
by eilam
you can't get that bottle from here !!!

Re: I'm ready to place an order

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:55 pm
by Kirk B
It's a no-win situation I guess. :(

Re: I'm ready to place an order

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:31 pm
by Aanvil

Re: I'm ready to place an order

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:31 pm
by Aanvil
You can't get Pep'ridge Farms to Remembah a Sow-Eastas a brewin' from heeah'

Re: I'm ready to place an order

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:51 pm
by Kirk B
Up heah, it's the No-Eastas we have to worry about.

Re: I'm ready to place an order

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:57 pm
by Kirk B

Re: I'm ready to place an order

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:12 pm
by Casey Burns
That is from an Internet Meme panel called "What my flute clients are like"

First Panel: What a normal session player thinks my flute clients are like....
(illustration of a normal session player)

What a normal silver flute player thinks my flute clients are like....
(illustration of the same session player, obvously drunk, and surrounded by several empty beer bottles)

What a beginning flute player thinks my flute clients are like...
(illustration of that same session player, now sober (maybe) and up on a stage with a Bodhran player)

What a PVC flute player thinks my flute clients are like.....
(the cover from Skip Healy's album "Empty Pockets")

What my wife thinks my flute clients are like....
(A picture of a cash register)

What I wish my flute clients were like....
(A picture of Matt Molloy of the Chieftains)

What my flute clients are really like....
This weird guy we are talking about.

Or something like that. Help me some before we can post it on Facebook. I am confused and kind of dazed from 500 miles of driving, visiting old and dear friends from college, provisioning pork and blackwood and other stuff, being a paleontologist, email chatting with the head of the Smithsonian (for real), hunting for truffles in my back yard (for real), indulging in chocolate, and preparing for a week of fun in California before I attend the February avalanche of flute orders (been a great month - why I just spent over $2k on blackwood and mopane this week and more), sleep deprivation, and a large pile of stuff to accomplish by Monday. Gotta go rescue dinner.


Re: I'm ready to place an order

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:49 pm
by Kirk B
Casey, it sounds like you found the bottle! :lol: