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Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 6:19 am
by eubiedubie
I want to ask e what keys did you get on your Cotter flute and how much you paid for it?Also how did you get in touch with Eamonn.I'm considering a keyed Cotter flute.
Have you over come the problem with the

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 12:51 pm
by e
I got a six key blackwood flute. The keys are Bb, G#, F#, long F#, D#, Cnat.
The keys I use quite a bit are the long F and the G#. I would use the Cnat key more, but my hands haven't really adjusted to it. I don't know what stage of playing you're at, or if you've tried any of his flutes before or what you now play, but there are some considerations;
1. I'm still not quite as comfortable with this one as my old flute, as it's very different than what I'm used to playing. You could, however, say the same with almost any instrument. Don't forget, also, that it is a compelete change from the style of my old flute. I've had some great musicians play it (Paul McGratten and Shannon Heaton, who could respectively get a good tone out of a bicycle pump), and it sounds great. However, they are used to huge Pratten bore instruments, and I'm not. This is a very "mature" flute; what I mean by that is it is not a beginners instrument. It is made for people with a good emboucher who want power and big tone. I'm just getting to the point where I can play it comfortably for a couple hours. I really feel that this is an instrument that you grow into, and when you do it pays you back. This could be sh*t, as I've played some other flutes that I immediately thought were awesome. However, this flute is louder than almost any I've played, and very dark.

2. While on the subject of the Pratten bore, the holes on my flute are huge. If you play with a flatfingered grip, it's not so bad. However, a lot of people play with their fingers either slightly overlapping or a pipers grip (I do) (I'm talking about the right hand here). This takes a bit of getting used to, but is not bad. Be aware, though, that if you get a long F key, the key blocks will make it more difficult to cover the holes with anything but your fingertips. Again, this takes some getting used to. It felt really uncomfortable for me at first, but I've largely adjusted to it. My other flute is a Sam Murray keyless (one of his older ones), and it has -slightly-smaller holes differently spaced than the Cotter. If you have small fingers, you may want to tell him.
3. I'm not sure what Eamonn is charging, nor what his wait is. I don't think I would be comfortable giving out price information in any case. I will say, however, that he finished ahead of schedule, and his flutes were priced far below other comparable makers like Olwell, Hamilton, and Grinter. He has been getting a lot of business lately, so..…I'm not sure how that has affected things. Let me stress his prices were very, very reasonable.
As far as getting a flute from him, I would call him and talk it over. Ireland is 6 hours ahead of Central USA time. The process of getting the flute went like this: I called, we talked about it, and I sent him a fax detaining what we had talked about. He did not accept a deposite, and told me to call him in about six months to see where he was at. I did, and we talked more about the flute, and I ended up adding some more keys. I would call him periodically to see how things were going (he doesn't use electronic mail). Eventually, I did a wire transfer to his account, he sent the flute, and I'm very pleased with it. It took about 10-11 months. Be aware, also, that a wire transfer from the U.S.A. to an Irish bank took, for me, over a week (it's not instantaneous).
On top of playing great, it's a beautiful instrument.
One more thing: get a calling card for the international calls. You won't be sorry.
Mr. Eamonn Cotter
Balleen, Kilmaley
Co. Clare

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 5:56 pm
by eubiedubie
I have a Cotter flute which is the first good
flute I bought when I got real serious about
playing and I don't think it's based on a Pratten but Hawks.The hole size isn't any
larger then my other flutes and smaller then
1835 replica of a Rudall and Rose.Has Eamonn
changed his flutes?I'll give Eamonn a call I've been thinking of a keyed flute for sometime I just have to decide what keyes to
have put on it.Does Eamonn have a bent G# like Terry McGee?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 8:49 pm
by RudallRose
Just a slight correx. Shannon Heaton, who lives not far from me, plays an Olwell, in a Rudall bore. And, among players, she's not that loud, frankly. But, her playing is certainly stupendous.
You can find her group's CD on their website. Search on "Siucra."
Incidentally, she and husband Matt, who is in the band, are moving to Boston next month sometime. Good for Boston, lousy for Denver. Their singer, Beth, however, remains here.