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a jig

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:48 pm
by mahanpots

Humours of Ballyloughlin on my son's folkflute.

I like what I hear, just don't have the time these days to post much.

Hello, Rob Sharer.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:38 pm
by sbfluter
Great tune, Michael. I've heard that one a few times but every time I've looked to see what the name was, the silly CD artist had named it something else and I've never been able to figure out what the real name is.

You played it very well with good rhythm. I love it when people have good rhythm.

See what the folk flute is capable of when a good player gets hold of it? But I can also hear you working pretty hard at it. That's the way it feels to me sometimes, too.


Someone in the flute pictures topic asked to hear my new Casey Burns boxwood. While I can't possibly make it sound anywhere near its potential (it's new to me and it does tend to run away from me a bit sometimes), here you go:

Smash the Windows

I know that this one should have some bounces in it, but I am not good at them, so I will just practice them far from any microphones. But I like the way the second octave isn't nearly as difficult as any other flute of any other kind I've ever played.

name's michael

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:20 pm
by mahanpots
Nice job on that tune Diane.

My name is Michael, acutally. I was saying hello to Rob Sharer at the end of my last post.


Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:51 pm
by jemtheflute
sbfluter wrote: Someone in the flute pictures topic asked to hear my new Casey Burns boxwood. While I can't possibly make it sound anywhere near its potential (it's new to me and it does tend to run away from me a bit sometimes), here you go:

Smash the Windows
Thanks, Diane - 'twas I that asked. Very nice sound already, and will get richer and rounder as your focus improves and your embouchure develops. Nice rhythm yourself and all.

Speaking of which, nice take on Humours of Ballyloughlin, Michael. It's one of the great piping jigs - I learnt it chiefly from the playing of Liam O'Flynn - lots of crans and stuff. I use Cnat rolls in it too, but I take it a bit slower and more lilting (not a criticism of your way - I like that lots). I tend to play it on low whistle for preference, but sometimes on flute.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:26 am
by jemtheflute
Last Tuesday I took my minidisc along to the new fortnightly Welsh session at Ty Siamas in Dolgellau being run by Ceri Rhys Matthews. Here are a couple of clips I hope people may enjoy.

First is a version of a tune I think I've posted before solo, Morfa'r Frenhines I started it off while Ceri was at the bar and he came back and joined in from the repeat of the B music, embroidering around my melody. Ceri's flute is a 4-key by the late Dave Williams - largish hole R&R style. I was playing my Rampone 12-key with low B foot for this tune.

The second is a clip of a tune the name of which I don't know. Welsh tune. We played it sort of as a waltz (it is often played much slower) in between Merch Megan and Cader Idris - two well known Welsh waltzes, but I've cut those from this clip. The clip is basically just two flutes, Ceri and myself, sort of exploring the tune and improvising around each other a bit. I was playing my R&R on this one.

The acoustic is rather "big" and boomy (kind to flutes, but not good for recording) and there are some extraneous noises from the bar etc. but I thought we sounded pretty good!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:45 am
by johnkerr
I believe I've already mentioned here on C&F that I recently acquired Rudall and Rose flute number 4009. If I hadn't already mentioned that, then now I have. Anyway, I've recorded a set of tunes with the Rudall and placed them in my shared box that's accessible via the link in my profile, which should also be at the bottom of this post.

The three tunes in this newest clip are all single jigs. The first one, Siney Crotty's, I got off flute player James Carty's recent CD Upon My Soul, and the last two, Adam and Eve and The Wind on the Lake, I got from John Wynne when I took his class at Willie Week back in 2001.

For comparison purposes, if anyone's interested, the other set of tunes in my shared box was played on a six-key Pratten-modell Olwell flute.

John's tunes and new flute

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:36 am
by mahanpots
Nice playing John. I like your style, especially the way you anunciate your triplets.

My first impression upon listening to the new flute and then the Olwell is that the Olwell sounded a bit brighter. I play a keyless Olwell (Pratten I believe).

I should post another tune.


Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:46 am
by jemtheflute
Very nice playing on the single jigs on your new toy, John. Sounds like you suit each other. Congratulations. Mind you, there's a nice sound on your Olwell too, though your playing on that clip is rather breathier - a less good embouchure day?

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:28 pm
by johnkerr
Thanks for the compliments, guys. Although as for the triplets, I can't recall playing any in those tunes, but if I did I guess it's good that they sounded good. And breathier on the Olwell, could have been a bad embouchure day, or maybe different mic placement, or something else entirely. Who knows?

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:37 pm
by jemtheflute
I too was puzzled by mahanpots's reference to "triplets" - I can only suggest he perhaps meant the tongued pedal repeated notes in the jigs. You certainly enunciated those firmly! Perhaps he can elucidate?

john's tunes and the nonexistent triplets

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:57 pm
by mahanpots
Oops. My mistake.



Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:08 pm
by mahanpots
I was referring to the rolls. I thought I heard triplets, but I was listening to rolls.

I think it's John's style that threw me, or just the way he played those tunes. The rolls don't have quite the "pop" in them that I'm used to hearing, and when I heard them, especially the first one in the first tune, I wasn't sure what I was hearing, a roll or a triplet. I thought, that must be a triplet. Then, as I listened, I thought "that's a pretty cool triplet there."

Sorry for the confusion.


Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:30 am
by irishrosa82

I'd like to try to post my first clip, but I'm curious about the software out there. File sharing can ruin a computer---viruses, etc.---can anyone share their thoughts about that before I try?


Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:58 am
by jemtheflute
Rosa, I haven't been at this all that long, but I haven't experienced any problems such as you fear. If you have appropriate firewall and anti-virus and anti-spyware software set up on your computer - which you really need to have just to go on-line at all - it should be fine. I don't think the kind of thing we are doing in posting our own and listening to or viewing other people's clips is quite what is usually meant by "file sharing", which I would take in the sense of say a work document being sent around everyone's computer in the workplace - so if it gets infected on one computer it will probably spread the infection. Whilst a malicious person could try to upload an infected clip file to the kind of host service we use, I suspect the host's software would detect and reject it. If not, your own computer's defences should reject anything unsafe when you try to open it off the Web - and with Boxnet there should be no need actually to download the clips unless you want to save one - you just listen direct on-line.

Anyway, hackers, spammers etc. are more likely to target wider interest fields - you're probably at greater risk of infection on eBay, Amazon, Youtube, social networking sites etc. We're too small and narrow to be worth the effort.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:55 am
by johnkerr
Rosa, when you host your clips on as I and others have done you are not actually sharing files that reside on your personal computer. Rather, you are uploading your files to the servers and sharing them from there. Thus there should be no danger of virus attacks to your personal computer as a result of this file sharing. offers up to 1 gig (IIRC) of free file storage space on its servers if you set up a free account with them. If you need more than 1 gig you have to pay for it, but 1 gig is a <i>lot</i> of storage space. Check into it by going to, it's a pretty good deal. I myself have experienced no problems in using to host files that I have shared here on C&F and also on my blog.