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Wish me luck...

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:44 am
by Anyanka
... or are musicians as suspicious as actors? In which case, you might send me a friendly 'break a reed' or so. I've got my first ever public performance on the accordion coming up at the end of this month. All sorts of tunes, folkie and otherwise. Fortunately, I'll be in the company of 16 or so other accordionesses, most of whom are much more seasoned players than me. We are Karen Tweed's latest project: The No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra. See below for dates & venues. And if you do turn up, don't look at my fingers!!!

Re: Wish me luck...

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:04 pm
by MTGuru
That looks like super fun, Anyanka. I love Karen's playing, and you couldn't have a better mentor. Great luck with the gigs, may all your reed wax melt. What, no guys allowed? Yikes! :lol:

Re: Wish me luck...

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:48 am
by mutepointe
Wow! That sounds like an event. Most people don't even know 16 accordian players much less 16 in one place. All the people that I know are total barbarians and think the accordian and concertina are the two most hysterical instruments in the world. My only consulation is that at least the concertina is not the bagpipes. I hope you have a lovely day and people enjoy your music for the beauty.

Re: Wish me luck...

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:56 am
by Anyanka
Thank you! It happened last Saturday. There were only 10 of us. I played the best I've ever played - in the pre-gig rehearsal... In the first half of the performance: not so much. But then we had some sparkling wine in the interval, and the second half was just fine.

All in all, it was fantastic. I was playing elbow to bellow with the fabulous Colette O'Leary of the Long Notes! And the audience were great, big applause, they even demanded an encore.

Oh, and, MTGuru, guys are very welcome. In the audience.

Re: Wish me luck...

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:21 pm
by Parkwood
Sounds great - I noticed some pictures of this on Harriet Bartlett's Facebook page.

We need a blokey folk squeeze orchestra too!!

Re: Wish me luck...

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:33 am
by Anyanka
Cool! I haven't met Harriet - she was a member but had to withdraw due to other commitments, I think.

Below is a photo from the New Milton gig; the blurred face to the left of me (me = 3rd from the left) is the fabulous Colette O'Leary, who is not only a great player but also a really lovely person. Apologies for the very serious faces all round: Karen made us play the most difficult piece of them all for our encore!


Re: Wish me luck...

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:14 am
by Don Roberts
Congrats on your performance. Would be interested in knowing the names of some of the tunes you played.
Also, what brand of accordion do you play ? I notice several of the instruments in your group have red accordions.
I also have a red one in my collection of accordions, its a Camillo IV made by Guerrini, with a heavy tremelo tuning. I think of it as my folk accordion. It's well suited for most ethnic type music.
Best Regards

Re: Wish me luck...

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:43 am
by Anyanka
Hi Don! A collection of accordions? How many? My red accordion was a 120 bass Galotta, but I now have a black Pigini Wing. I think that'll be The One for me, at least for a good many years.
The other two red accordions are also under upgrade threat; one is a Scarlatti, the other a Delicia.

Our repertoire included a couple of Norwegian polskas with unpronounceable names, two tangos, Josephine Butterfield, Brighton Camp, Scotland the Brave, the Dashing White Sergeant, Good Night Irene, Wish Me Luck, Robin's Waltz - a number of Irish tunes performed by Colette O'Leary and Karen Tweed - and a short version of the Moonlight Serenade. And more. Next time it'll be different again.

Re: Wish me luck...

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:24 pm
by Don Roberts
A Pigini eh ? great choice. I've never played one but hear they are very nice. I recognize some of your tunes, Good night Irene, STB, and Dashing White Sergeant etc.
Well, I have more accordions than I care to admit. The Camillo IV, Bell, Lira, Crown, and the best of them all, Pancordion Panjet 45. All of these are full size 41/120 19-1/4 inch keyboard instruments and I think of them as classics. I also have a couple of smaller ones that are really cool. I am by no means an accomplished player but I love those big ole' boxes.
Well, anyway, keep up the good work, make as much music as you can :thumbsup:

Re: Wish me luck...

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:11 pm
by mutepointe
Oh that looks like fine. Musicians always look so serious when we're having the grandest of times. On the rare occasions when I am playing and not singing, I try to remember to smile. I end up getting this wicked smirk on my face and that's even better.

Re: Wish me luck...

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:51 pm
by s1m0n
Anyanka wrote: Image
If I ask really nicely, would you introduce me to the redhead on the far left?