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Duet Concertina

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 8:44 am
by Geraint
Hello all.

Anyone play duet concertina? Hayden preferably. I've been interested for a while, but have been unable to get an instrument for less than around £2500! That's too much for me to start off - I may not got on with it at all.

Looks like I'll be having a go at an Elise Duet before long. Otherwise I don't think that I'll start.

Has anyone got any experiences to share?

Re: Duet Concertina

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 9:12 am
by benjaminwilfred
[Thread revival. - Mod]

I know this is an old post, but I just found this forum today. So, if you're by chance still contemplating picking up a Hayden Duet... I acquired a used Stagi Hayden Duet some years back for well under $1000, and I love playing it. (Of course I'd love to try one of those $5000 instruments some day, but that's a lot of $$). The Hayden system is intuitive and versatile. I do a lot of self-accompaniment, playing chords (often arpeggiated) with the left hand while playing melody (and occasionally some harmony as well) with the right hand. I find the Hayden Duet particularly well suited to that kind of playing. I really like it.