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Bubb Rubb - Why has nobody here mentioned him yet?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 10:54 pm
by raindog1970
I'm sitting here completely out of breath and with aching sides from laughing so hard at the "Bubb Rubb" news interview.
Apparently this guy is an Internet celebrity now, much like the "Star Wars Kid"... so why hasn't anybody here mentioned him yet?
OK, so the interview was really about some annoying device that you have welded into your muffler to make your vehicle whistle... but I still think "Bubb Rubb" should be made an honorary C&F member or something. :lol:
I think I may even shove a pennywhistle up my tailpipe and see if I can start a similar fad here in Tennessee! :P
Here's a brief clip of the interview featuring whistle fan "Bubb Rubb" for those of you who haven't already seen it.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 1:21 am
by Easily_Deluded_Fool
A harmless cheap prank is to get some cheap plastic party whistles,
flat ones for choice, and stick them underneath a car, so that when the car moves, the whistle sounds. When the car stops - 'cos the driver hears a strange noise, the sound stops - driver scratches head - gets back into car - car whistles .... and so on.
Use sticky/blue/white tack or double sided tape.

Not that I would ever do this of course.
No, not me :twisted:

Re: Bubb Rubb - Why has nobody here mentioned him yet?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 3:52 am
by pixyy
This dude hits the nail on the head.
Many times folks have asked me what it is about these whistles...

But is the WHOOO HOOOO (y'know whatI'm sayin'!??)


glorification of stupidity

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 8:02 am
by serpent
Funny.. I listened to the interview and thought, "what an imbecile". I guess his celebrity is due to the same sort of attitude that causes one to watch (or be on?) the Jerry Springer show. Kind of the same thing that makes us slow down and gawk at a particularly bloody automobile accident. I'll but his momma is proud...


Re: glorification of stupidity

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 10:23 am
by DCrom
serpent wrote:Funny.. I listened to the interview and thought, "what an imbecile". I guess his celebrity is due to the same sort of attitude that causes one to watch (or be on?) the Jerry Springer show. Kind of the same thing that makes us slow down and gawk at a particularly bloody automobile accident. I'll but his momma is proud...

My wife (not born in the US) finds Jerry Springer and his ilk fascinating, in a look-whats-hiding-under-this-rock sort of way. She also says that if really though they were representative of life here in the US she'd never have dared to immigrate. :twisted:

After watching a particularly egregious episode (and giving me a blow-by-blow - literally! - description when I came into the room) she asked me what my first reaction would be if I got an invitation to appear on one of these shows. My first reaction was "empty our bank account and buy a ticket for Brazil" :D I was *very* relieved that she felt much the same way - I was *terrified* she wanted to be on TV (and had something to interest them)! :o :o :boggle:

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 11:26 am
by Nanohedron
Something new to spice up my ol' hooptie...LOL. All that's required is that your ride's body panels be compromised enough with age to buzz like a kazoo when the über-bass kicks in. Heard that one before; I laughed for days. A one-ton kazoo with automatic transmission and a whistle up the need to worry about hitting any deer! They'd hear you a mile off. :lol:

Whatever makes you feel like you've got a life, I suppose... :roll:

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 11:32 am
by TonyHiggins
I've heard of Bubb Rubb and his whistling tailpipe device. I just never thought of telling anyone else. Can't remember if I read about him on this board...

Jerry Springer- Someone told me they knew someone who got onto the show as a 'guest' by totally fabricating an outrageous story. I have run across people who really are like the guests. Lives in total chaos. Makes me want to be a hermit.