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Mary Bergin in Aberdeen next week...

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:33 am
by kenny
... and I am to have the pleasure of conducting a public interview / conversation with her. I've got a good idea which topics I'm going to ask her about, but would welcome any suggestions in case there's anything I've not considered. Or if anyone has a specific question they might like an answer to, let me know, and if time permits, I will raise it.
The Elphinstone Institute, who are organising the event as part of the Alex Green Whistle Festival - see Discussion elsewhere - usually record concerts and interviews for their archives with a view to making them available to the public at a later date. If that happens on this occasion - and providing I don't make a b*lls of it, I'll post any relevant link in the future. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
PS - and to anyone thinking of attending, Mary's Masterclass is showing "Limited availability" on the ticketing website, which indicates there are not many places left. Don't leave it to the last minute - book now, in advance.